Well now, lookie what Olga gifted me with! This is so cute!
Copy paste all these fun questions and take the quiz!
1. Where is your cell phone? pocket book
2. Your hair? short
3. Your mother? in Heaven
4. Your father? with Mom in Heaven
5. Your fave food? seafood
6. Your dream last night? didn't have one
7. Your fave drink? diet Pepsi
8. Your dream/goal? I would like to see blue water just once
9. What room are you in? stamp room
10. Your hobby? Making cards
11. Your fear? big highways/traffic
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? a happy grandmother!
13. Where you were last night? couch
14. Something that you aren’t? skinny
15. Muffins? apple
16. Wish List Item? Copic markers
17. Where did you grow up? right here in little old Pennsylvania
18. Last thing you did? dishes
19. What are you wearing? night gown
20. Your TV? Grey's, Mercy, All My Children, and the Food Network
21. Your Pets? Black Lab "Jessie"
22. Friends? Same girlfriends I grew up with plus new online friends
23. Your Life? not very exciting
24. Your Mood? mellow
25. Missing Someone? my family is all deceased and my kids live 2 hours away
26. Vehicle? Ford Windstar I think..... van
27. Something your not wearing? socks
28. Your fave store? craft stores of all kinds!
29. Your fave color? red
30. Last time you laughed? last week...... sorry I have been sick
31. Last time you cried? heck, I cry at commercials!
32. Your best friend? Lee Ann
33. One place that I go to over and over? work
34. One person who emails regularly? Johnny (Lee Ann's hubby)
35. Fave place to eat? Seven Stars Inn
36. Facebook? Nope!
I choose five people to pass this Award on to:
Theresa P.